Tony is originally from Kasson, a small town in southeast Minnesota. He moved to Minneapolis for school where he wrestled for the University of Minnesota Gophers and studied Computer Science. He was introduced to ēvolvHealth when he was 20 years old, still going to school full time, wrestling for the top D1 school in the country, and working several part time jobs to pay for school. Having no experience in the industry, Tony was starting from scratch and relied heavily on the system to get going. Within a couple of months he replaced most of his income and developed a sizable organization. In just under 2 years, he was one of the youngest Diamonds in EvolvHealth history at the age of 22.
Tony is very passionate about personal growth and attributes a lot of his success to growing himself. After graduating with a B.S. in computer science, he now lives just outside of the cities in Woodbury with his girlfriend and their one dog. His hobbies include working out, reading, golfing, photography, and videography.